Food Services
Our food services team prepares and distributes nutritious meals on a daily basis to children enrolled in daycare and /or after school programs, including Carver’s Teen Center programming. In fiscal year 2022-23, approximately 200,000 meals were served. Meals consist of five important food components: vegetables, fruit, whole grains, meat/meat substitutes, and milk.
Summer Food Distribution
Normally, meals and snacks are a cornerstone of our programs for students. When schools close over the summer, we ensure that kids still receive breakfasts and lunches. Carver Center has provided healthy meals during the summer months to Port Chester School District children and families through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), a federally-funded, state-administered program that serves free meals to children and teens in low-income areas.
Retail Recovery
Carver Center began piloting this new retail recovery effort through a partnership with Feeding Westchester. We are picking up approximately 20,000 pounds of food each month from six retail locations throughout Westchester County. Through this program, we are able to provide 40% more food to the growing number of people who depend on the Carver Market each week.