Port Chester Today

Port Chester is a vibrant, culturally rich community, and the Carver Center honors the customs and diversity of the residents.

The Village’s demographics have changed drastically since the 1940’s. Then, it was a town of white European immigrants, along with a smaller community of African Americans. Today, 70% of the residents are first and second generation Latinos from Mexico, Central America and South America. In all, the Village represents over 40 different countries. That’s the community that relies on Carver.

Statistics help describe Port Chester and reveal why the Carver Center is such an important community resource:

  • Among Port Chester residents 25 years and older, 30% DID NOT COMPLETE HIGH SCHOOL. This compares to 14% in NY State (1) 

  • Port Chester’s RATE OF STUDENT HOMELESSNESS is 3%, the 4th highest among the Westchester school districts (2)

  • Approximately 45.6% of Port Chester residents were BORN OUTSIDE OF THE U.S., with 90% migrating from countries within Latin America (3)

  • Port Chester has the highest rate (26%) of LIMITED ENGLISH-PROFICIENT STUDENTS of all Westchester County school districts (4)

  • 72% of students are eligible for FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH (5)

  • Port Chester’s college readiness rate of 24% is the fourth lowest among Westchester County school districts (6) 

  • 28% of Port Chester’s residents 60 years old and over received food stamps in the last year (7)

  • Approximately 68.2% of Port Chester residents are U.S. citizens, versus the Westchester County average of 87.4% (8)

1 “Port Chester NY Education Data.”Port Chester NY Education Data, www.towncharts.com/New-York/Education/Port-Chester-village-NY-Education-data.html
2 “Census Profile:Port Chester, NY.”Census Reporter, censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US3659223-port-chester-ny/.
3 “Census Profile:Port Chester, NY.”Census Reporter, censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US3659223-port-chester-ny/.
4 “WCA Children By The Numbers 2017.”Westchester Children’s Association, 27-July 2017,wca4kids.org/infographics/data-bulletin/2017-data-bulletin-hope-challenge-us-2/.
5 “Port Chester Public Schools.”Budget-Underfunded by NY State-Port Chester Public Schools, port-chester-public-schools.echalksites.com/budget_underfunded_by_ny_state.
6 “WCA Children By The Numbers 2016.”Westchester Children’s Association, 22-February 2016,wca4kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2016_WCA4KIDS_-data-bulletin.pdf.
7 “Port Chester, NY Senior Guide.”SeniorCare.com, www.seniorcare.com/directory/ny/port-chester/#key-senior-statistics.
8 “Port Chester, NY.” Data USA, datausa.io/profile/geo/port-chester-nu/#demographics.

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