Carver Center’s Legacy
In 1943, Carver Center was founded by a small group of concerned, black community members; an entrepreneur, a dentist, three ministers, a hairdresser, a post office employee, a social worker, and a passionate group of volunteers who were grassroots organizers and advocates for the minority community in Port Chester. They came together to address the immediate needs of the children who needed care while their parents were working in defense factories making equipment for the war.
Their vision, determination, and commitment are at the heart of Carver Center’s mission to build brighter futures. At one of the subsequent meetings, it was decided that Carver Center would be named after the renowned African American scientist, George Washington Carver, who passed that same year.
It’s important to honor the legacy of these founders and the many directors and board members whose efforts and leadership have paved the way for generations of community members who have turned to the Carver Center for essential services and resources.
Today’s Carver Center upholds the values of its founding and continues to prioritize the needs and voices of the community.
Lucille Abrason Edward Keeler
Arnold C. Baker Damyn Kelly
Deacon D.R. Banks John Kettler, Sr.
Jill Beltran Yvonne Kilpatrick
Bruce Bozeman Joe Kwasniewski
Anne Bradner Dr. Martin Lewis
Robert S. Brown Lloyd Link
Dr. Irene Brown Fritz G. Mitchell
Henrietta Rachel Boozer Douglas M. More
Reverend H. Crutchfield Mildred Motley
Reverend W.P. Douglas Patricia Nectow
John Dudzuk Reverend Thomas Pemberton
Gertrude Durden James Pennington
Maureen Gomez Ed Randell
Effie Gordon John W. Reavis, Jr.
Virginia Gough Winston Robinson
Frederick Griffin Laura Rupter
Brenda Gundy Julia Schwartz-Leeper
Yvette Hammel Clarence Smith
Zollie Harrison Althea Spears
Bea Henderson Claire Steinberg
Dinah Howland Forrest Walker
Harvey Howse Kerry Walsh
Robert Izard Virginia Williams
William James Dr. Roscoe C. Ward
Carl Johnson Violet Wright
Rebecca Jones